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The future of real estate development rests on sustainability as a priority. Client and market demand, as well as environmental responsibility, are driving forward progress in sustainable real estate development.

Why Green Real Estate Development?

Lower Operating Costs: Sustainable real estate development offers improved operational efficiencies and long-term operating cost reductions for businesses. Eco-friendly methods use less energy, water, electricity and materials, making it a worthwhile long-term investment for companies.

Improved Health and Productivity: Green building design offers several advantages for employers and employees, including improved productivity, job performance and overall well-being. A series of studies conducted by Harvard and SUNY Upstate Medical University professors found that occupants of green-certified buildings had higher cognitive function scores, better sleep quality and fewer sick building symptoms than those in non-certified, high-performing buildings.

Corporate Commitment: Many companies are shifting toward eco-friendly buildings and operations to uphold their ethical responsibility to protect the environment. While maintaining their corporate commitment, they also get to publicize their environmental awareness and action to potential clients, the community and employees.

Environmental Reasons for Building Green

Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Green buildings minimize inefficiencies to generate fewer greenhouse gases and landfill waste than non-green buildings. Raw materials used for green development are purchased from green suppliers that ensure their production methods limit overall carbon dioxide emissions.

Natural Resource Conservation: Sustainable building design helps address natural resource depletion by using them as efficiently as possible. Green buildings incorporate sustainable materials in their construction, including reused and recycled items or renewable resources.

Water Use Reduction: Eco-friendly development focuses on water efficiency using cutting-edge technologies that reduce water consumption. Low-flow plumbing fixtures, rainwater harvesting, and water pressure reduction are just some of the ways green businesses can reduce water use on-site.