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The idea of “going green” has been a continuous goal–and trend–for a long time. When it comes to sustainable cities, communities, and buildings, you’ll likely hear the phrase “urban biodiversity.”

Urban biodiversity is the inclusion of ecosystems into a growing urban area. Before contractors move forward with the buildings and communities they develop, they take many factors into account. While uneducated developers may demolish every tree and wooded area in their paths, more are taking a look at the biodiversity landscape. Recognizing the animal and plant life surrounding a site has development and community benefits.

The 3 Parts of Biodiversity

There are three major concepts in urban biodiversity. Without these three components, urban biodiversity does not successfully benefit a community.
Ecological: Recognition of the many unique structures and ecosystems within a given area and their relationship with the community around them.
Genetic: Understanding the functionality of the many species in an urban area as well as the traits associated with each species.
Biological: Pin-pointing and supporting the number of species, ecosystems, and organisms in the given urban community.

Advantages of Urban Biodiversity

Reduces Noise

Green areas in a bustling city–parks, gardens, paths–minimize the noise of traffic, chatter, and everyday sounds. Urban biodiversity is actually known to absorb about 50% of the noise heard in cities.

Filters Pollutants

The air density of urban areas causes pollution to stay concentrated, causing harm. Plants can absorb CO and filter water in the ecosystem. Urban biodiversity also helps eliminate harsh pollutants and even heavy metals, acting as a net or screen to catch any unwanted pollutants before they invade a community.

Improves Health

When your city has less pollution, health improves! Urban biodiversity also includes community gardens within a city to improve access to healthy fruits and vegetables. Unique physical playspaces involving trees, rocks, and ponds are popping up in urban communities, which improve physical activity and overall mental health. Simply taking a walk through a park on a lunch break or stepping outside for a few minutes can be healthy ways to relieve stress.